We have been in our home for a little more than a year and I think this is a good place to see what has changed in the year. So, here we go...
#1 THE biggest change is that our family has grown by one. Our third son was born at the beginning of the month. We have now, officially, filled all of the "extra" rooms that we had by moving into this new, bigger home, and we couldn't be happier. Our newest addition is beautiful and has fit in so easily, it is almost as if he has always been here.
#2 The peace and solitude that we thought we had found with this location is no longer. The lot next to us has sold and a new home is being built MUCH closer to our property than we thought was possible due to some mistakes in the surveying of the lots (GRRRR). Yes, it stinks, but on the positive side, hopefully our new neighbors will be awesome. Hopefully. (Spoiler alert: an upcoming post on advice to those of you hoping to build your own home will include these two issues. Did I say GRRRR?)
#3 We have completed our front patio!
#4 We have almost completed updating the front porch. We only have staining left to do.
#5 We have a new (and improved?) backyard. Due to the surveying mistakes our septic and leech field had to be moved and our backyard had to be ripped up (boo). As a result we got a bigger (yay) and leveled (yay) backyard, with mulch under the play area to cut down on weed-waking under the play set and tics (yay). Three yays > one boo, right?
#6 The hubby has still yet to finish his work bench, but part of it is a very bright shade of blue!
So there you have it, I had hoped to be further along than this at this point, but what can you do? We were getting ready for the baby and life happened along the way. Maybe this experience will help teach me a little patience.